The affordable and accessible housing crisis is directly connected to the climate crisis. We can and should address both together.

Environmentally sustainable affordable housing in Muskoka and beyond.


What is the G.R.E.A.T Housing project?

G.R.E.A.T. Housing will draw on community investment and support to build permanently affordable housing that is healthy for the planet and for people. This project will include a focus on populations with a particular strong need for housing.

The GHP began as a project of partnerships bringing together local non-profits, charities and businesses to address the housing crisis and the climate crisis. GREAT is transitioning (as planned) to become a community investment co-op.

The GHP received funding from the National Housing Strategy under the NHS Demonstrations Initiative, however the views expressed in this website are those of the project and CMHC accepts no responsibility for them.

The Muskoka Housing problem

Over the past decade, housing has become increasingly unaffordable in Ontario. This has taken shape in Muskoka in ways that are unique to this district’s economic and demographic profile. With a largely seasonal labour force, and with an aging population, working families are being priced out of housing and rental opportunities.

Over 50% of tenants in Muskoka spend 30% or more of their income on shelter and Muskoka has a vacancy rate of under 2%. The District of Muskoka Housing for Everyone plan (2019) declared that “housing growth has been outpacing growth in year- round and seasonal residents over the last decade”.

For more on GHP and the housing crisis see here.

Housing and the environment

The crisis of lack of affordable and accessible housing is directly connected to the climate crisis. Due to their high energy use to operate and the amount of energy spent on building materials the vast majority of housing built in Canada further exacerbates the climate crisis. Essentially each conventional building produced makes the climate crisis worse.

We can make buildings and homes that are super efficient to run and carry low carbon intensive materials.

For more on the GHP and the environment see here.


Community supported/Supporting community

The GHP will draw on community investment and donations to support the development of our sustainable rental property. Interested? Let us know here.

The GHP will involve a co-op where investors, tenants and other stakeholders will have a real role in the project. To learn more about the community development co-op model see this G.R.EA.T. blog post.

The GHP involves charitable partners who will work to help identify potential tenants. The pilot sixplex building model is designed to include accessible units. For more on the design and accessibility see here.


The GHP is focused on environmental sustainability, financial sustainability and community sustainability.

The vast majority of building costs occur after a building is built. By building better upfront we create buildings that are much more climate resilient much cheaper to operate, and better for people and the environment. Finally. we believe that community supported housing builds better communities.

For more on G.R.E.A.T Housing and sustainability see here.


These homes will be built to last and with a partnership with the Muskoka Community Land Trust, the land will be removed from the speculative market. This is long-term affordability.

For more on why the GHP is using a land-trust model see here.