What’s in a name?

white neon sign on black with words: Do something GREAT

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

What does the “G.R.E.A.T” in G.R.E.A.T Housing stand for? As we work to create eco-affordable housing our hopes and practices are captured in the acronym itself. So, what’s in our name?

“G.R.E.A.T” stands for:

Green: All the buildings we create (new or through renovation) follow high green building standards, such as the passive house standard.

Rural Resilient: Our first projects are in rural and small town locations with a focus right now on the Muskoka region. This is why we have been using the word “Rural” for the G.R.E.A.T project. However, the housing crisis affects all communities and we hope to be able to support new eco-affordable housing in different parts of Ontario.

So that is why we are switching the “R” in our name to “Resilient.” These are buildings made to last and to be stronger and more durable in the face of a rapidly changing climate.

We also believe that resilient communities are those that work together, like with co-operatives (see “together” below).

Environmental: Beyond green building energy efficiency standards we will use materials with lower upfront carbon in our projects that are healthier for people and the planet, seek to reduce water use and create and promote livable communities.

Affordable: We target having 60% of our units be deeply affordable mixed with under market and market rate units and to do it forever.

Together: If we want to address key issues like the housing and climate crisis a lot of folks have to pull together. We are excited that we will be creating a community development co-operative that will take on the name of “GREAT”. A co-op is a collection of people working together to address a common goal or need. Co-ops are legally incorporated organizations with a democratic structure and a focus on community benefit.

Want to learn more about our story? Check out our storymap.


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